Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Indigo Sage: When a straight man walks the sidewalk by Hadassah...

The Indigo Sage: When a straight man walks the sidewalk by Hadassah...: I am a 2nd class citizen in this state and in most of the country and North Carolina is trying to make that official. It is perfectly lega...

When a straight man walks the sidewalk by Hadassah D Gavi Chayim.

I am a 2nd class citizen in this state and in most of the country and North Carolina is trying to make that official. It is perfectly legal to prevent me or fire me form a job and I have no marriage rights. Far right extremists not only want me out of this state they don't want me to even have a life. No job, no marriage or even civil unions,...  no life.

I am the Blacks of the 50's and 60's and the Jews of the 30's and 40's... I am now "No Blacks allowed ... "No Jews allowed"... I am now the one made to move when a white man walks the sidewalk. I am the one made to move when a straight couple walks the aisle. I am not free in this "land of the free".

~ Hadassah D Gavi Chayim

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Indigo Sage: Be all we can

The Indigo Sage: Be all we can: This is something I truly believe in. I will admit I am far from reaching my ideal, but it is still a great ideal. To reach one's fu...

Be all we can

This is something I truly believe in. I will admit I am far from reaching my ideal, but it is still a great ideal. To reach one's full potential, to go beyond the limits set upon us by society. To rise higher than previously thought possible.

To seize the sun.